Hamlet or not
Data: 06/03/2019
Lloc: Teatre Principal d'Olot
Població: Olot
Hora: 20
Preu: 10 €
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Una oportunitat per veure a Olot una versió de Hamlet en llengua original. L’espectacle està pensat per a públic que tingui un nivell d’anglès aproximat de B2-First.

Hamlet is an enigmatic and mysterious play in which every character is an artist of simulation. Hamlet himself is someone in continuous transformation. He shows us that courtesy and reflection coexist next to passion, mockery, enigma or even the possibility of madness. The atmosphere at Elsinore castle is claustrophobic and hostile which is shown in solemn scenes with ironic twists, full of characters pressing Hamlet to revenge his father’s death.

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